There is a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

Kushner’s Angels in America is a thought-provoking play,that encourages the reader to confront the challenges of living in a broken society.

Throughout the play, we are introduced to several Angels with various intent and personas. The Angels of Heaven are meant to be guardians of those on earth. They possess powers that are superior to those of human beings, however, they are in a situation where they must lower themselves and seek help from lowly human beings. They appear to be jealous, that the earth is what it is when Heaven is a wreck without God.

The two Angels that stand out, in my opinion, are Angel Bethesda and Angel IIII. The latter visits Prior and places on him the responsibility of spreading the message of being stationary to human beings. She appears to care less about providing a solution or healing Prior. It is unusual for an Angel to be self-absorbed. The Angel Bethesda ,on the other hand, creates a fountain of healing where she touched the earth. Both are Angels of Heaven , but each with a uniquely different motive.

Here is the Epilogue where Prior discusses his interest in the Angel Bethesda.

The world continues to move forward, despite the wishes of the Angel IIII. It continues to change and progress. The hope that the Bethesda fountain brought, would once again be restored in the world. In a crumbling world of ailing souls.

Happy reading!


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