Hi, all. Welcome back from spring break. I’m repeating a post from Contagion 2012 about resources for thinking about Kushner. You can also look at the conveners’ post from 2012. First let me give you a clip I plan to discuss during our first session on Angels.
In the several years Cyrus Patell and I taught our Writing New York course on the Square, we amassed a pretty substantial number of blog posts about Kushner and Angels. They may prove useful as you continue to wrap your heads around the play in a short amount of time this week. Here are a few of the highlights:
I typically deliver two lectures on the play, one situating it in a discussion of time/history/imagination (and thoughts on the play as a period piece set in the Reagan era), very similar to the one we had in class today, and one that highlights some of the cultural building blocks Kushner recycles in the play (Mormonism, Judaism, Marxism) by way of a discussion of the play’s several angels and angelic precedents. We’ll get into some of that as we go. On the WNY course site, I’ve offered my thoughts about the play’s conclusion, in which Prior breaks the fourth wall and blesses his audience, and earlier I’d written about the ways in which the play recycles a number of stories and symbols, Central Park’s Bethesda Fountain among them. (Because that post has some links that are now dead, I had to post again on the prior use of Bethesda in Godspell.) Several years ago, a highlight of our course was a guided tour of Central Park at sunset (or a tour of the sunset with Central Park as a backdrop) with our favorite ex-NYC tour guide, Speed Levitch. I provided a more detailed account of that afternoon elsewhere. It’s only indirectly related to Kushner’s play, but still important if you want to think about the ways in which Central Park has long been contested public space, something Kushner’s certainly aware of when he selects Bethesda as the setting for his final scene. Here are a few links re: his use of Roy Cohn as a character. And here are some thoughts on the play’s place in the history of Broadway theater.
Cyrus has also offered thoughts on the play, which he teaches at NYUAD in his Cosmopolitan Imagination course. One year he supplemented my lectures with a few additional thoughts on Kushner’s use of New York City as a setting. But he’s written most extensively on the play’s engagement with cosmopolitanism (see this one, too, and this one).
If you’re really interested, here’s the archive of a live-tweet one of our TAs ran as I lectured in 2011, the last time we taught this course together.
Part 1:
- Getting ready for today’s #wny11 part I of Kushner’s ANGELS IN AMERICA. Thinking abt community, identity, history, legacies of immigration. #
- A guide to some of the Kushner-related material from our blog: http://bit.ly/atyPKY #wny11 #
- @_waterman lecturing on Angels in America today #wny11 #
- @lwarr because @cpatell is in Abu Dhabi today; @pwhny in good hands. #wny11 #
- Transitioning from 70s to the 80s via Patti Smith–>Grace Jones for our lecture prelude #wny11 #
- Prior: Not a conventional woman. Belize: Grace Jones? #angels #wny11 #
- This a pretty good history of gays in New York for anyone who’s interested http://t.co/c4QlqMI #wny11 #
- Randy Shilts’ And the Band Played On is also a pretty good history of AIDS in New York and SF #wny11 #
- Theatricality of everyday life: How do we understand performance? #wny11 #
- Performance is also interesting when you think about tension between out and closeted gay characters. What is Roy Cohn performing? #wny11 #
- AIDS epidemic is perfect dystopian moment for Kushner’s play. Confluence of personal and political choices and consequences #wny11 #
- Play is also conscious of the rise political correctness and its relationship to identity #wny11 #
- Ginsberg as a prophet figure for “Angels.” He needs to be the crazy poet yet wants to participate #wny11 #
- What is the role of theater in mediating themes like history, identity, and community? #wny11 #
- Watching HBO ‘Angels’ “Drag is a drag” dream sequence #wny11 #
- Pay attention to the way Prior is always “performing:” drag, prophet, lines from movies. #wny11 #
- “Imagination can’t create anything new, can it?” Can it? #wny11 #
- Think about how “contamination” works in ‘Angels’ as something toxic, inexorable, and revelatory #wny11 #
- @ultramaricon True #wny11 #
- Feather floating represents possibility in writing for creation of new stories #wny11 #
- New York pre-dates San Francisco as a “gay city.” See previous tweet about “Gay Metropolis” #wny11 #
- Appiah on Contamination: “conversations that occur across cultural boundaries” #wny11 #
- ‘Angels’ as an Early 90s period piece that reflects a post-Reagan-Bush I anxiety #wny11 #
- Reagan’s silence on AIDS lead to people referring to the epidemic as “Reagan’s Disease” in some circles #wny11 #
- What would Olmsted have thought of Central Park as a site for anti-nuclear bomb activism? #wny11 #
- Reagan’s “Star Wars” looks like the cheesiest video game ever #wny11 #
- It’s easy to laugh at Reagan’s conflation of fantasy and reality, but Kushner does some interesting things by blurring that line #wny11 #
- Reagan as performing masculinity in ‘Angels’ in the eyes of Joe and Roy Cohn #wny11 #
- Relationship between gay activism and gay theater in the 1960s-1970s #wny11 #
- Think about ‘Angels’ and the history of political theater (O’Neill) and meta-theatricality (Tyler and Doctorow) #wny11 #
- RT @lwarr: @pwhny Mondale won my kindergarten class’s mock election in 1984. I cried when Reagan won the real election #wny11 #babynerd #
- From the Reagan doc I used in #wny11 today: NYC as a set of symbols to be mobilized by all sides: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5wLsUl3vfk #
- @ultramaricon Which is one reason I found the @NYTOpinionator piece on “Am Fam” to be puzzling. http://nyti.ms/hC9nS2 cc @epicharmus #wny11 #
- RT @lwarr: @pwhny Part 1 of this Frontline series on AIDS documents the 80s and Reagan’s role in the disease http://to.pbs.org/gReEKS #wny11 #
- @FlyingHubcap We certainly still live with its effects. #
- @ThirteenNY @PBS Weds 10 pm RT @cityroom Documentary Celebrates Olmsted, a Creator of Central Park http://nyti.ms/gDdGTG #wny11 #
- #wny07 #wny11 RT @CitySnapshots ANGELS IN AMERICA. SEE IT. http://tonicruthirds.com/2011/04/20/angels-in-america-must-see/ #
- Just a NY conversation rattling round my head. RT @cire_e New York Style http://www.pbs.org/speak/seatosea/americanvarieties/newyorkcity/ #
- The full American Experience doc on Reagan: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/presidents/video/reagan_01_wm.html#v129 #wny11 #
Part 2:
- Wrapping up ANGELS IN AMERICA in #wny11 today. #
- @_waterman on Kushner’s ANGELS IN AMERICA: PERESTROIKA today. #wny11 #
- Opening music: Talking Heads, 1978-79 “Thank you for Sending Me an Angel,” “Cities,” and “Heaven.” #wny11 #
- @_waterman starting off with Linda Hutcheon’s idea of “historiographic metafiction.” #wny11 #
- Kushner’s play asking: “Do we make history or are we made by it”? How are we conditioned by the stories we tell about the past? #wny11 #
- Hutcheon’s book: A POETICS OF POSTMODERNISM http://amzn.to/gcgiYe #wny11 #
- Showing clip from Mike Nichols’s adaptation: Roy, Joe, and Ethel. MILLENNIUM APPROACHES, Act 3, Scene 5. #wny11 #
- @_waterman on pre- (building Zion) and post-millennialism (apocalypse). Play’s Harper is caught between the two. #wny11 #
- Interesting account of post-millennialism by Stephanie Hendricks: http://amzn.to/hAs34y #wny11 #
- @waterman on 4 differrent angels invoked by play. 1st: Angel of History from Walter Benjamin, “Theses on the Philosophy of History.” #wny11 #
- See W. Benjamin, ILLUMINATIONS. http://amzn.to/e5nfqC Kushner has acknowledged his indebtedness to Benjamin. #wny11 #
- 2nd Angel: Paul Klee, “Angelus Novus” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus #wny11 #
- Benjamin on Klee: “The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned …. ” #wny11 #
- “… while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress.” Benjamin’s idea of “messianic time.” #wny11 #
- @_waterman Stonewall and AIDS in light of Benjamin: catastrophic moments, one liberating, the other …? #wny11 #
- Kushner’s play struggles with Marxist teleology, because it wants (like its character Belize) liberal progress. #wny11 #
- Actually Benjamin and Klee’s angels are counting as 1. Second is angel who wrestles with Jacob, who then receives new name. #wny11 #
- Jacob’s wrestling: renaming, rebirth. For Joe, also a sign of painful progress, plus he finds it erotic. #wny11 #
- @_waterman showing this version of the picture: http://bit.ly/if4WrH #wny11 #
- Motif of shedding skin throughout ANGELS. #wny11 #
- Question of Joe’s fate. Why is he excluded from cosmopolitan redemption at end? Has he committed some kind of “sin”? #wny11 #
- NY Mag interview with Kushner from 2008: http://bit.ly/f3Ca91 #wny11 #
- Play’s Third Angel: Kushner stitching together bits and pieces form America’s past – Angel Moroni from Mormonism. #wny11 #
- @_waterman show this image of Angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith : http://bit.ly/g7DUdc #wny11 #
- Mormon story as a rewriting of Christianity and also Judaism: a new Exodus. #wny11 #
- @_waterman showing clip from HBO Angels of Harper in Mormon Center with diorama coming alive. Harper: “The magic of theater.” #wny11 #
- Kushner and fallibilism: in what ways is ANGELS trying to learn from American traditions with which it disagrees? #wny11 #
- 4th Angel: Bethesda Fountain. http://bit.ly/fUNynh #wny11 #
- @_waterman showing the final scene from the HBO version. Lucky, the film exists, because now he doesn’t have to read the scene … #wny11 #
- @_waterman Because the last time he read it in class, he broke into tears, remembering his reaction to seeing the scene on stage. #wny11 #
- @_waterman Exit Music: Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, “Cheek to Cheek.” Over and out. #wny11 #