War – romanticism vs reality?

Pale Horse, Pale Rider is set during the time of world war 1, playing a prominent role throughout the novel. Typically, war is romanticized; people see war as an opportunity to prove their worth, and to display their patriotism. The notion of fighting for one’s country is an ideal that is greatly upheld by young men in the country. The concept of war is glorified, and everyone unites in the effort to win. Distinct gender roles are defined during the period of war: women are said to nurse the wounded, whilst men are out fighting.

In Pale Hose, Pale Rider, we encounter varying perspectives on war. Miranda, the protagonist, displays her distaste for war ideals. She does not agree with the propaganda that is put forth, and calls the men “liars”, she further concludes that the “…skulking about, and the lying” are results of “what the war does to the mind and the heart”. Ironically, on the other hand, Adam feels the duty to go to war. This strong contrast in the mindsets displays the division of what people believed.

This presence of war throughout Pale Horse, Pale Rider is explored in the following book (page 218)


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